After three years, I finally got it together and our fabulous babysitter Jen comes once a week so that we get a date night. Ahhhh....date night....you can picture it now:
Mom gets out her fabulous little black dress that fits perfectly and is pressed and clean. Isabelle watches as I pull on my silky hole-free nylons and slip on my leather heels that feel as comfortable as slippers. She prances around the room clomping in my other leopard print heels. I spray on a little scent and carefully put my silver earrings in. When the babysitter comes I give Isabelle and Henry a soft kiss on the head and jauntily walk out the door. Dan meets me at some fabulous Boston restaurant where we enjoy each others company over candlelight and talk about this and that. NOPE....not exactly.
Let me preface this with the fact that I am grateful that I finally got it together to have a babysitter come and that our children are healthy and relatively easy to take care of. I'm also thankful that date night is even an option given that I don't work outside the house and that my mommyhood income although low on taxes is also low on income.
So actually we have had a couple nice dinners out. We have so many fabulous restaurants around us in Boston, Cambridge and Charlestown. Our last two nights out were at Olives in Charlestown where the food, albeit rich, and atmosphere were a real treat bringing us back to our more carefree days and Chez Henri a favourite from the old neighbourhood.
We've also had a quick dinner at a Mexican fast food chain after my workout at the gym (that I do enjoy as a little me time and I don't have to listen from the shower to hear if anyone is crying) and then grocery shopping.
Date night has also been coffee/tea at a local bookstore with another mom just to catch up and mostly vent about kids and husbands and life in general.
There's also the most recent date night, which is the Isabelle and Mommy date night. I've been pretty tired lately since I've been sick, and Henry's getting molars. The flip side of this is that Isabelle has had a pretty short-tempered, impatient, and non-indulgent mommy for the past few weeks. So I figured it was time for another Belle and Mom date night.
We got Henry settled with Jen. He had a fabulous time dancing around the kitchen with Isabelle showing us some new moves. I think he's been watching MTV when I'm not paying attention. Does MTV even exist anymore? Do they have music and dancing? Belle and I head out with Henry yelling "Bye" to us down the stairs. We stop at Kotobukiya in Porter Square to order some sushi and then Isabelle and I go to Made By Me to paint some pottery. Isabelle and I talk about how I couldn't have sushi when she was still in my tummy. She keeps asking when she gets to hold her chopsticks until finally we get our bag and she gets her chopsticks.
At Made By Me Isabelle chooses a Monkey for herself and dog for Henry since Henry likes dogs. I choose to Japanese-style teacups for the kids. The sushi is great, the painting is relaxing and Isabelle enjoys choosing the colours, squeezing the paint onto the palette -this is a favourite, and painting then going up onto the counter and starting all over again until both pieces are done. I relax as I paint each cup wondering if they'll look half decent given the distractions and interruptions, but I relish them and I don't mind if they're not up to my "pre-mom" quality because what does that mean anyway. Each day is different now, then, and before then. Isabelle is so relaxed and it is nice to just be in each others' company.
The next morning...a late night and a perfect evening transform into a huge meltdown...Isabelle won't wear anything she chooses for various reasons. I give up and go get myself dressed. She cannot get out of her monster meltdown until I shut the door and she realises she's reached my limit. Then we go back upstairs. I put my pajamas back on and we start fresh. Insane I know, but that's the mindset of a 3 year old and in particular my 3 year old.
Then we head to Starbucks for a little peace and caffeine.
Happy Tuesday.
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